Granted Patents
Aditya Sripada, “Self Adjusting Foot Assistant Apparatus,” Official Journal of the Patent Office of India- Issue No. 35/2018
Patent Number: 321629
Work in Progress
Aditya Sripada, Hartmut Geyer, Running and Steering of Bipeds on Uneven Terrains based on Rigid Body-Spring Model
Aditya Sripada, Janardhan Vistapalli, Prasanth Kumar Ramesh Reddy “Biped robot vertical jumping with control constraints”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2018 (ROBIO 2018) [Paper]
Aditya Sripada, Vasu Joshi, Prasanth Kumar Ramesh Reddy “Towards a flying and leaping humanoid robot” - Late Breaking Result, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2018 (IROS 2018)
Janardhan Vistapalli, Aditya Sripada, Prasanth Kumar Ramesh Reddy, “Push Recovery of Biped robots by sliding ”[Preprint]
Aditya Sripada, Harish Asokan, Abhishek Warrier, Arpit Kapoor, Harshit Gaur, Sridhar R “Real-Time Teleoperation of a Humanoid Robot with Motion Imitation and Legged Locomotion”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics 2018 (ARM 2018) [Paper]
Aditya Sripada, Abhishek Warrier, Arpit Kapoor, Harshit Gaur, Hemalatha B “Dynamic Lateral Balance of Humanoid Robots on Unstable Surfaces”, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques 2017 (EECCOT 2017) [Paper]
Aditya Sripada, Harish Asokan, Abhishek Warrier, Sridhar R “Dynamic Whole -body Imitation of Human Motions in Humanoid Robot”, - Late Breaking Result, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2017 (IROS 2017)